Piero Ceriana

Richiedi appuntamento
  • Anestesia e rianimazione
  • Farmacologia
  • Pneumologia
  • 0382.592804
  • [javascript protected email address]

Ceriana P, Klersy C, Veronesi R, Braschi A, D'Armini A, ViganĂ² M. J Cardiovasc Surg. 2002 Oct;43(5):715-22. Influence of underlying lung disease on early postoperative course after single lung transplantation

Ceriana P, Delmastro M, Rampulla C, Nava S. Respir Care. 2003 Jul;48(7):670-6. Demographics and clinical outcomes of patients admitted to a respiratory intensive care unit located in a rehabilitation center Weaning from tracheotomy in long-term mechanically ventilated patients: feasibility of a decisional flowchart and clinical outcome.  Ceriana P, Carlucci A, Navalesi P, Rampulla C, Delmastro M, Piaggi G, De Mattia E, Nava S.  Intensive Care Med. 2003 May;29(5):845.

Ceriana P, Braschi A, Navalesi P: Detection of severe intraoperative hypoxemia after single-lung transplantation for primary pulmonary hypertension.  J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2004 Apr;18(2):204-6

Nava S, Ceriana P: Patient-ventilator interaction during noninvasive positive pressure ventilation.  Respir Care Clin N Am. 2005 11:281-93

P.Ceriana, A.Carlucci, P.Navalesi, S.Nava et al: Physiological responses during a T-piece weaning trial  with a deflated tube. Intensive Care Medicine 2006; 32(9) 1399-1403

Navalesi P, Costa R, Ceriana P, Carlucci A, Prininanakis G, Antonelli M, Conti G, Nava S: Non-invasive ventilation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients: helmet versus facial mask. Intensive Care Med 2007 33(1) 74-81.

Q.Mulqueeny, P.Ceriana, A.Carlucci, F.Fanfulla, M.Delmastro, S.Nava: Automatic detection of ineffective triggering and double triggering during mechanical ventilation. Intensive Care Med 2007; 33:2014-2018.

Carlucci A, Schreiber A, Mattei A, Malovini A, Bellinati J, Ceriana P, Gregoretti C. The configuration of bi-level ventilator circuits may affect compensation for non-intentional leaks during volume-targeted ventilation. C.  Intensive Care Med. 2013 Jan;39(1):59-65

Ceriana P, Carlucci A, Schreiber A, Fracchia C, Cazzani C, Dichiarante M, Cattani B, Fassio C, Segagni D, Nava S:  Changes of swallowing function after tracheostomy: a videofluoroscopy study. Minerva Anestesiol. 2015 Apr;81(4):389-97.

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