Poster e atti congresso SIGG di Milano Novembre 2012 “Stato nutrizionale e funzionale nell'anziano. Valutazione prospettica degli effetti della permanenza in reparto per acuti e in reparto di riabilitazione post-acuzie”. S. Cacco, C. Bilotta, M. Ferretti, C. Casella , D. Mari, L. Bergamaschini. Giornale di Gerontologia dicembre 2012 volume LX, numero 6;
European Journal of Internal Medicine. COPD exacerbations in the emergency department: Epidemiology and related costs. A retrospective cohort multicentre study from the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine (SIMEU). F. Germini, G. Veronese, M. Marcucci, D. Cohen, D. Ardemagni, N. MontanoA. Fabbri and the SIMEU Study group. European Journal of Internal Medicine 2018, May; 51: 74-79;
Validation of the BAP-65 score for prediction of in-hospital death or use of mechanical ventilation in patients presenting to the emergency department with an acute exacerbation of COPD: a retrospective multi-center study from the Italian Society of Emergency Medicine (SIMEU). F. Germini, G. Veronese, M. Marcucci, D. Cohen, D. Ardemagni, N. MontanoA. Fabbri and the SIMEU Study group. European Journal of Internal Medicine 2019, March; vol 61: 62-68;
Atti congresso Fadoi 2023: Two years effect of an acute medical admission unit on the outlying phenomenon and in-hospital mortality in a first level ED hospital in Lombardy S. Accordino, E. La Boria, P. Formagnana, M. Masotti, S.Cacco, S. Provini, G. Arosio, C. Canetta;
Atti congresso SIMI 2023 : The proactive role of an acute medical admission buffer unit in a first level ed hospital in Lombardy. S. Accordino, E. La Boria, P. Formagnana, M. Masotti, S.Cacco, S. Provini, G. Arosio, Passera S., C. Canetta;
Effects of a medical admission unit on in-hospital patient flow and clinical outcomes. European Journal of Internal Medicine , C.Canetta, S. Accordino, E. La Boria, G. Arosio, S.Cacco, P. Formagnana, M. Masotti, S. Provini, S. Passera, G. Vigano’. https//