Orazio Zoccarato
Professionista non medico

Contatta il professionista
  • Medicina nucleare
Laboratorio di ricerca
  • 0322.884634
  • [javascript protected email address]

comparative analysis of iterative reconstruction algorithms with resolution recovery and new solid state cameras dedicated to myocardial perfusion imaging. brambilla m, lecchi m, matheoud r, leva l, lucignani g, marcassa c, zoccarato o. phys med. 2017 mar 23. pii: s1120-1797(17)30062-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmp.2017.03.008. [epub ahead of print]

differences in polar-map patterns using the novel technologies for myocardial perfusion imaging. zoccarato o, marcassa c, lizio d, leva l, lucignani g, savi a, scabbio c, matheoud r, lecchi m, brambilla m. j nucl cardiol. 2016 may 27. [epub ahead of print]

advances in image reconstruction software in nuclear cardiology: is all that glitters gold? marcassa c, zoccarato o. j nucl cardiol. 2017 feb;24(1):142-144. doi: 10.1007/s12350-016-0534-z. epub 2016 may 24.

uncontrolled risk factors and worsening perfusion pattern on spect myocardial perfusion imaging in medically treated patients with stable chronic ischaemic heart disease. marcassa c, campini r, calza p, zoccarato o. eur j nucl med mol imaging. 2016 jul;43(8):1513-21. doi: 10.1007/s00259-016-3355-z. epub 2016 mar 12.

comparative analysis of full-time, half-time, and quarter-time myocardial ecg-gated spect quantification in normal-weight and overweight patients. lecchi m, martinelli i, zoccarato o, maioli c, lucignani g, del sole a. j nucl cardiol. 2016 feb 24. [epub ahead of print]

comparative analysis of iterative reconstruction algorithms with resolution recovery and time of flight modeling for 18f-fdg cardiac pet: a multi-center phantom study. matheoud r, lecchi m, lizio d, scabbio c, marcassa c, leva l, del sole a, rodella c, indovina l, bracco c, brambilla m, zoccarato o. j nucl cardiol. 2016 jan 12. [epub ahead of print]

comparative analysis of cadmium-zincum-telluride cameras dedicated to myocardial perfusion spect: a phantom study. zoccarato o, lizio d, savi a, indovina l, scabbio c, leva l, del sole a, marcassa c, matheoud r, lecchi m, brambilla m. j nucl cardiol. 2016 aug;23(4):885-93. doi: 10.1007/s12350-015-0203-7. epub 2015 jul 2.

comparative analysis of iterative reconstruction algorithms with resolution recovery for cardiac spect studies. a multi-center phantom study.

zoccarato o, scabbio c, de ponti e, matheoud r, leva l, morzenti s, menzaghi m, campini r, marcassa c, del sole a, garancini s, crivellaro c, brambilla m, lecchi m.

j nucl cardiol. 2014 feb;21(1):135-48. doi: 10.1007/s12350-013-9821-0. epub 2013 nov 23.

temporal evolution of administered activity in cardiac gated spect and patients' effective dose: analysis of an historical series. marcassa c, zoccarato o, calza p, campini r. eur j nucl med mol imaging. 2013 feb;40(3):325-30. doi: 10.1007/s00259-012-2287-5. epub 2012 nov 21.

innovative reconstruction algorithms in cardiac spect scintigraphy. zoccarato o. q j nucl med mol imaging. 2012 jun;56(3):230-46. review.

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