Mauro Monelli
Dirigente medico

Richiedi appuntamento
  • Cardiologia
  • 02.50725270
  • [javascript protected email address]

Myocardial infarction due to late stent thrombosis following epileptic convulsive seizures. R. Bonmassari, M.Monelli et al. J. Thrombolysis 2010 May; 29(4): 512-5

EaRly-start ExerciSe training afTer acute haemodinAmic decompensation in patients with chRonic hearT failure (RE-START) – A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial on short-term feasibility and impact on functional capacity, symptons and neurohumorla activation. A. Mezzani, M.Monelli et al. Monaldi Arch. Chest Disease 2014; 82:20-22

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