Federico Maria Cossa
Direttore di Istituto, Direttore sanitario, Primario

Richiedi appuntamento
  • Fisiatria
  • Neurologia
  • 011.81516309
  • [javascript protected email address]

FM Cossa, S Della Sala, H Spinnler (1989): Selective Attention in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's patients: Memory- and Data - driven control. Neuropsychologia, 27:887-892.

FM Cossa, S Della Sala, H Spinnler (1995). Alzheimer patients know their date of birth but not their age: a study on disorientation. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 1995;10:99-106.

FM Cossa, S Della Sala, M Musicco, H Spinnler, MC Ubezio. Comparison of two scoring systems of the Mini-Mental State Examination as a screening test for dementia. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 50; 8: 961-965, 1997.

Cossa FM, Mazzini L (Editors). Assistenza clinica e ricerca scientifica: validità dell'approcco multidisciplinare al traumatizzato cranico. Advances in Rehabilitation, Maugeri Foundation Books, 1999, Pi.me., Pavia (Italy).

FM Cossa, S Della Sala, M Musicco, H Spinnler, MC Ubezio. The Milan Overall Dementia Assessment and the Mini-Mental State Examination compared: an epidemiological investigation of dementia. European Journal of Neurology, 1999;6(3):289-294.

Cossa FM, Fabiani M, Farinato A, Laiacona M, and Capitani E. The 'Preliminary Neuropsychological Battery'. An instrument to grade the cognitive level of minimally responsive patients. Brain Injury, 1999; 13(8):583-592.

FM Cossa, M Fabiani. Attention in Closed Head Injury. A Critical Review. Italian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 1999;20(3):145-153.

Bisiach E, Ricci R, Silani G, Cossa FM, Crespi MG.  Hypermnesia in unilateral neglect. Cortex, 1999;35 (No. 5):701-713.

Castelli L, Perozzo P, Zibetti M, Crivelli B, Morabito U, Lanotte M, Cossa FM, Bergamasco B, Lopiano L. Chronic deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson’s Disease: effects on cognition, mood, anxiety and personality traits. European Neurology, 2006; 55:136-144.

Tamietto M., Cauda F., Celeghin A., Diano M., Costa T., Cossa F.M., Sacco K. Duca S., Geminiani G, De Gelder B. Once you feel it, you see it: insula and sensory – motor contribution to visual awareness for fearful bodies in parietal extinction. Cortex, 2015;62:56-72.

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