Azzurra Cesoni Marcelli
Dirigente medico

Richiedi appuntamento
  • Allergologia
  • 02.50725116
  • [javascript protected email address]


  • Zicari AM, Nebbioso M, Lollobrigida V, Bardanzellu F, Celani C, Occasi F, Cesoni Marcelli A, Duse M. Vernal keratoconjunctivitis: atopy and autoimmunity. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2013 May;17(10):1419-23;
  • Zicari AM, Occasi F, Cesoni Marcelli A, Lollobrigida V, Celani C, Indinnimeo L, Tancredi G, De Castro G, Duse M. Habitual snoring in children with previous allergic sensitization. International Journal Of Immunopathology And Pharmacology 2013, Apr-Jun 26; (2): 565-70;
  • Zicari AM, Occasi F, Cesoni Marcelli A, Lollobrigida V, Carbone MP, Galandrini R, Giuffrida A, Duse M. Assessing the relationship between serum resistin and nasal obstruction in children with allergic rhinitis. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2013 Sep-Oct;27(5):e127-30;
  • Zicari AM, Zicari A, Nebbioso M, Mari E, Celani C, Lollobrigida V, Cesoni Marcelli A, Occasi F, Duse M. High-mobility group box-1 (HMGB-1) and serum soluble receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) in children affected by vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Pediatr Allergy Immunol. 2014 Feb;25(1):57-63;
  • Zicari AM, Mora B, Lollobrigida V, Occasi F, Cesoni Marcelli A, Megiorni F, Pizzuti A, Neb-bioso M, Duse M. Immunogenetic investigation in vernal keratoconjunctivitis. Pediatr Allergy Im-munol. 2014 Aug;25(5):508-10;
  • Zicari AM, Cutrera R, Occasi F, Carbone MP, Cesoni Marcelli A, De Castro G, Indinnimeo L, Tancredi G, Galandrini R, Giuffrida A, Duse M. Serum resistin levels in children with primary sno-ring. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2014 Jul-Sep;27(3):449-54;
  • Loffredo L, Zicari AM, Occasi F, Perri L, Carnevale R, Angelico F, Del Ben M, Martino F, Nocella C, Savastano V, Cesoni Marcelli A, Duse M, Violi F. Endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress in children with sleep disordered breathing: role of NADPH oxidase. Atherosclerosis. 2015 May;240(1):222-7;
  • Pecoraro A, Nigro E, Polito R, Monaco ML, Scudiero O, Mormile I, Cesoni Marcelli A, Capasso M, Habetswallner F, Genovese A, Daniele A, Spadaro G. Total and High Molecular Weight Adi-ponectin Expression Is Decreased in Patients with Common Variable Immunodeficiency: Correlation with Ig Replacement Therapy. Front Immunol. 2017 Jul 31;8:895;
  • Cesoni Marcelli A, Loffredo S, Petraroli A, Carucci L, Mormile I, Ferrara A L, Spadaro G, Genovese A, Bova M. Nailfold Videocapillaroscopic Findings in Bradykinin-Mediated Angioedema. J Investig Allergol Clin Immunol. 2020 Apr 17;0.

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